Ko Parihaka te maunga
Ko Hatea te awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Ngapuhi nui tonu te iwi
Ko Hato Werahiko Kawerio te whanau
The background photo is of Mt Parihaka, our maunga, and the Hatea river, our awa.
Both landmarks are iconic to central Whangarei.
A very warm welcome to St Francis Xavier Catholic School
St Francis Xavier Catholic School is the only Catholic primary school in the Whangarei region. It is located just ten minutes north of the central business district and is surrounded by one of Whangarei’s finest open spaces and sport facilities.
We believe we offer every student a great primary education where they will be challenged, provided with new learning opportunities and ultimately thrive as a learner. We aim to provide a Catholic education in a supportive environment that values the individual and encourages our children to reach their full potential. We have a talented, highly skilled staff who are passionate about providing the best education for all of our children.
This web site has been developed to keep parents and the wider community informed of activities and events at St Francis Xavier Catholic School. We invite you to share our learning and experience what we have to offer.