Board of Trustees
Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the Governance of our school. The Board is made up of five elected members of the school community, the principal, a staff representative, and four proprietors representatives. The Proprietor’s Representatives are appointed by the Bishop.
Our Board provides strategic guidance and a monitoring framework through which to assess the school’s progress towards strategic directions. Board meetings are public meetings which anyone may attend. Should the board decide that a particular matter – usually relating to student discipline or personnel – needs to be discussed privately, it can move into a ‘public excluded’ section of the meeting.
Student achievement, particularly for identifying students at risk and addressing barriers to achievement (NAG 1)
Strategic planning and school self-review (NAG 2)
Personnel (NAG 3)
Finance and property (NAG 4)
Health and safety, including emotional safety (NAG 5)
Compliance with all relevant legislation (NAG 6)